Dear Friend,
With a second wave of the corona virus pandemic sweeping across China, now locking down over 100 million Chinese in the north-eastern region of China bordering North Korea, Chinese communist authorities are still maintaining their vigilant focus on stamping out Christianity.
Persecution of Christianity inside China continues on a scale not seen for years. Pastors, church leaders and Christians are being arrested, imprisoned, killed and sometimes disappearing into the black hole of China’s secret detention centres.
Usually the arresting of house church believers is done in secret… however, almost 3 weeks ago we glimpsed what Chinese authorities don’t want you to see… the brutal intimidating way they try to suppress the Christian church.
On Sunday morning May 3rd, 20 Christians along with several children met in a home for a time of worship and teaching. Then the police showed up… not just 1 or 2 but upwards of 100 police officers. They weren’t arresting a group of criminals or murderers, but a small group of Christians who love Jesus.
In the video below, you’ll see and hear something that amazed me. As the police tried to break into the home, rather than panicking, the Christians kept worshipping. The words of Amazing Grace filled the air. Chinese believers have discovered that worship gives them strength and courage when they are being persecuted.
I well remember the time when I too was arrested by Chinese police while meeting clandestinely with a group of house church pastors. As the police led me away, the last image that was seared into my memory was of seeing 70 house church pastors clapping their hands as they worshiped God knowing that they too would pay a price for their faith.
Pray that China’s Christians will persevere and thrive in this time of testing.
Yours for China’s Harvest,
(Rev.) Dale R. Hiscock
Executive Director